Friday, May 28, 2010

Becoming Healthy

How is one supposed to get healthy, be healthy, and buy healthy, when to do all that is so expensive? I was at Stop and Shop yesterday to buy a minimal amount of vegetables. I wanted to make a nice healthy salad. $1.79 for a small head of lettuce....I could only buy a couple of tomato's...and 1 red onion was almost $1.50. And don't get me started on organic foods. Why is it so much more expensive to buy organic when they don't need to buy all those pesticides and airplanes to fly over and spray the crops? WHY? I don't get it. 10 loaves of white bread for $1.00 a loaf. I could freeze them and have bread for months. But I'm supposed to have wheat bread or multi grain bread that's at least $3.50 a loaf!!! I can't do it. I am that odd exception of a gay man that does NOT have a disposable income so sought after buy advertisers and marketers..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life's Passions

I think I have found mine. I seem to be doing a lot of cooking lately. And enjoying it. I used to cook just to survive, but now I find myself embellishing recipes that come in a box, thank you Hamburger Helper, I find myself Googling recipes and ideas for meals. I like it. I don't think I've felt this way about something before. In the very near future, I will be looking for inexpensive schooling to learn how to cook. And to appreciate different styles and tastes in cooking. I'm a wimp with spices. I need to overcome that first I suppose. I really don't like food that burns my mouth. I like food that dosen't sting, lol. Keep an eye out folks...I may be posting recipes, hehehe

Monday, May 17, 2010

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Wow, boy do I hate them. Sometimes I just get these feelings that something bad is going to happen. Or because I didn't do something, something bad is going to happen. Doom and's like the sword of Damocles. I'm just waiting for the last shoe to drop so to speak. I have learned through therapy when I get these feelings, I need to stop and do breathing excersises. It does help buy modern meds do to, hehehe.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I love rainy days!

And I love thunder storms even more. I always get the feeling that the rain washes aways the bad and makes room for the good. I love the smell in the air after a thunder storm. The best description is the air smells fresh.

When I was a child, my dad and us kids would sit on the porch and watch the lightening and listen to the thunder. We would always count the seconds after we saw the lightening to see how far away the storm was. Mom used to tell us when it thundered, that Jesus was bowling and got a strike, hehehe. Gotta love my mom. When it would thunder and lightening, mom would switch to Portuguese prayers, lol. Dad was more scientific. He would explain that when the cold air hits the warm air there is an explosion, blah blah blah, You all have learned this already. But Dad was so cool about it! He loved explaining the ways of nature. I wanna be a kid again...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Don't be like Curtis...

As you all know, or most know, I am a Customer Service Rep for Bank of America. And I think a pretty damn good one. So I know how a customer service rep should act. Everytime I have to deal with a customer service rep on the phone, I think to myself "would I treat a customer this way?"

Well I can tell you one thing, I would not treat a customer the way I was treated by my Aetna insurance rep! The rep, "Curtis", told me that my doctor didn't give them enough information about my need for a short term leave of absense. Apparently the words "stress and Bank Of America" in the same sentence wasn't a good enough reason. "Curtis" proceeded to tell me "You know, even people with cancer can still work" Can you believe that? OMG...I was livid. I tore him a new one if you know what I mean! I just hope I didn't ruin my chances of having my leave paid. I don't think so, because I called the today and spoke to "Mike" who was very pleasant to me and explained in detail what went wrong and the steps THEY are taking to help me. Now why couldn't "Curtis" do that? Why do some reps have to be mean? Didn't they ever hear the saying you catch more bee's with honey instead of vinegar? My new mantra in work will be "DON'T BE LIKE CURTIS"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Why is it so secretive? I have no problem telling people I am seeing a therapist. It's the 21st century. I'm surprised it's not a booming business!! My head gets so much clearer after I leave my therapist's office. I get reminded to stop, think, then do the right thing. Words to live by.