Friday, May 28, 2010

Becoming Healthy

How is one supposed to get healthy, be healthy, and buy healthy, when to do all that is so expensive? I was at Stop and Shop yesterday to buy a minimal amount of vegetables. I wanted to make a nice healthy salad. $1.79 for a small head of lettuce....I could only buy a couple of tomato's...and 1 red onion was almost $1.50. And don't get me started on organic foods. Why is it so much more expensive to buy organic when they don't need to buy all those pesticides and airplanes to fly over and spray the crops? WHY? I don't get it. 10 loaves of white bread for $1.00 a loaf. I could freeze them and have bread for months. But I'm supposed to have wheat bread or multi grain bread that's at least $3.50 a loaf!!! I can't do it. I am that odd exception of a gay man that does NOT have a disposable income so sought after buy advertisers and marketers..


  1. I agree that overall health food is much more expensive. Like hybrid cars cost more than regular cars. But in the long run it is worth it. I think if you can start out by making simple substitutions they won't be expensive. Use fat free salad dressings or a balsamic vinaigrette, choose 1% milk over whole, fat free cheese (or reduced fat), etc. Organic fruits and veggies are better for you but very pricey, so eating regular ones are still a very healthy option over processed packaged foods.

  2. Ronnie, shop at Trader Joes and Dave's. While the options certainly aren't cheap, they are much more reasonable prices for produce than S&S and "Whole Paycheck". I've been buying a lot of lentils and red & black beans because I'm trying to not eat so much meat. Beans are really cheap and pretty filling. And I make my own hummus - really cheap and easy to do.

    Also, I bake my own bread. I don't eat much of it now, but baking bread takes very little effort. I freeze it and that way I'm in control of the ingredients. I'm trying to learn how to make my own mozarella and ricotta for the same reasons. And shop farmstands and grow your own veggies to help cut costs.

  3. Did you know that white bread is more unhealthy for you then if you were to consume wheat or potato bread? Just a thought.
